Saturday, March 14, 2009

Time to go...

I am all packed up and ready to head to Russian Mission. The things that I brought: insulated Carhartts for outdoor fun, camera, video camera, some clothes, laptop, sandals, water filter, food, sleeping bag, pillow. I went shopping today with the other half of team Burrath (our team name is derived from our names: Ms. Burr and Mr. Horath) and we purchased some nuts, raisins, a few add-water instant soups, crackers, peanut butter, cheese, and a lot of fruit for ourselves and our hosts. I ship out tomorrow at six in the morning and after stopping in Anchorage, Aniak, and then Bethel, I finally end up in Russian Mission at 5:30 PM. I am very excited to get along with my trip but am a bit leery of the 12 hours of travel ahead of me to reach a community that is only a few hundred miles away. I once flew from Seattle to Paris in less than 12 hours and that included a three-hour layover in Philadelphia. This will definitely be different, however, since the majority of my flight time will be by small planes.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Team Burrath,
    Godspeed and we are looking forward to reading about your adventure. Hope you have an uneventful flight.
